Thursday, November 17, 2011

Roman arthurien

I'm working on a pattern of knights battling each other. I wanted them to look medieval so I did a little research. I found a wonderful illuminated manuscript from 1201-1300 on Gallica; The Roman arthurien.
It has loads of medieval bats, rabbits, and grotesque figuers, as well as knights.
Curious thing about all the knights;  they are usually huddled up in gangs like any thug you would find out on the streets today.

  I love the horses too. They have such cute and beleaguered expressions!

Lastly, here is one knight that I have partially done. Hopefully, I will finish it in the next few days, depending on how much time the kids, husband, and pets give me. XD

One warning about leafing through this massive text; it's over 800 pages and contains a LOT of text. It's a good thing to look at while waiting at the Dr's office or airport. So maybe save it for a long holiday Layover in Chicago or some similar incident.

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