Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Incomplete Projects Wednesday and My Earrings are Featured on an Etsy Treasury List!

As most crafty people, I have a lot of unfinished projects lying about. They were abandoned for various reasons; frustration, loss of patience, lack of materials to complete the job, of the distractions of daily life.

Beginning today I'm making a resolution and naming Wednesdays Incomplete projects day!
Post in comments about your unfinished project and try to get a little of it done or better yet, finish it.

To kick off Incomplete Projects Wednesday I'm going to start with baby steps. I have 2 button brooches that I must sew the backs on and post in my Etsy shop. They have been lying around for nearly 3 months waiting to be finished, but I got excited over new projects and never finished them.

They are backed upon the thickest Pellon interfacing I could find and have a peyote stitched bezel about the centers. The leaves are vintage Czech glass leaves. I wish I had more of those leaves I haven't been able to find more in that particular shape. They have a slight curve to them that pinwheels nicely when they are laid into a circle pattern.

I'm also pleased to announce that a pair of my Gane Piece Earrings is featured on a treasury list by Etsyian aimeere!

Here is her treasury list compliments of Craft Cult!

I love her color scheme. My favorite thing on her treasury list is Two tone part II.... Green tone Cotton Dress. Thanks, aimeere!

1 comment:

engravogirl said...

Great idea! Unfinished projects: New Clown Costume, Brag Vests for Cub Scouts, Chameleon Patrol Patch for Boy Scouts....I think I will start with the patrol patches next Wednesday!